Allen Friedman

Allen Friedman
Allen Friedman is Director of Payment Solutions at Ingenico Group, North America where he is responsible for Ingenico Group’s EMV Payment Solutions and the EMV implementation strategy in the United States. Prior to joining Ingenico Group, Allen worked for Vital Processing Services (now TSYS Acquiring Solutions) in Tempe, Arizona beginning in 1999 and during his fifteen year tenure held a variety of management positions in technical support, solutions implementation, and Product Management. Most recently as Associate Business Development Director, Allen was responsible for the core authorization and capture platforms, payment forms and connectivity solutions, and led the EMV implementation strategy for the merchant segment of TSYS. Allen has been a member and active participant in the EMV Migration Forum since its founding, and he continues to serve on several committees and working groups. Also, he is an active contributing member of the Smart Card Alliance Payments Council.
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Recent Posts

Speeding Up EMV

A big complaint merchants hear from cardholders using their EMV chip cards at stores is that they think it’s slow - the transaction takes a long time to process when compared to magstripe. The process of swiping a magstripe card is perceptually faster as the customers swipe their cards and immediately put it back in their purse/wallet as the purchases are totaled, and the terminal works on processing the transaction. However, in an EMV transaction, cardholders insert the chip card and wait patiently as it authenticates the payment. Even though EMV adds only a few seconds more to the transaction, the perceived wait time is much slower from the point of view of the customer as the chip card stays in the terminal longer.

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The EMV Fraud Liability Shift Date Has Passed: Is It Too Late for Me?

The EMV liability shift date, October 1, 2015, has come and gone, but many retailers have still not made this critical update. Most are left wondering: Is it too late? The good news is that it’s not too late for your business to upgrade. However, if credit card fraud takes place at your establishment before you take action, you will be held responsible for the financial repercussions.

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Top 6 Reasons Why Your Business Should Start Accepting EMV Chip Cards

The EMV migration deadline has finally arrived in the US, and questions about why businesses should accept EMV chip cards are pouring in. A lot of these questions are based on incorrect information and myths that are rampant in the industry right now.

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Video Blog: Are Merchants Ready and Willing to Accept Apple Pay Transactions?

Ingenico Group Industry Insights from EMV expert, Allen Friedman

Are Merchants Ready and Willing to Accept Apple Pay Transactions?

Right now, in the Tier 1 space where the largest merchants with the capital and resources can chose to turn on NFC, there are some who have decided to turn off NFC, even if they’ve had it before. Often they are working on a private solution among those large retailers. I don’t know if that will end up being a conflict.

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Video Blog: How Will Apple Pay Impact EMV in the US?

Ingenico Group Industry Insights from EMV expert, Allen Friedman

How will Apple Pay impact EMV in the US?

Apple Pay is a participant in EMV in the US, but they may not have a huge impact. They will have an impact on the adoption of contactless at the point of sale, and we’re already seeing that. We’ll see merchants who have NFC capable terminals that are not turned on will want to get them turned on for NFC. It definitely has given a boost to the potential of NFC at the point of sale.

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