Embrace mPOS today for success tomorrow

Retail businesses, no matter how small, should explore options

Mobile commerce (mCommerce) has reached a tipping point.

The overwhelming adoption of smartphones and tablets capable of running a wide variety of practical applications is driving the rapid growth of mCommerce. More than 1 billion people worldwide have a smartphone or tablet – and global business operations are being transformed as a result.

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ROAM’s Recap of Money2020

Members of the ROAM team spent the better portion of last week at Money2020 in Las Vegas. As the chilly October breeze creeps over ROAM’s headquarters in Boston, it’s a chilly reminder that we’re no longer in the desert sun and it’s now officially time to reflect on last week’s conference. For those who missed out on this year’s show, we've got you covered.

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Marketing your mobile POS solution

Engage customers and consumers for success

There’s no substitute for planning.

To successfully implement a mobile POS solution with high adoption and use rates, a company’s approach should be driven by its goals. And the strategy needs to be developed well in advance of rollout. Major items to consider include impulse sales projections, brand building opportunities and marketing campaigns related to mobile POS efforts.

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The Latest Trend in Business Continuity: Mobile Point of Sale

Customers are used to a streamlined shopping experience. Many enjoy online shopping from the comfort of their own home, where they can leisurely browse, select their products and pay for them immediately, only having to wait a few short business days for their arrival.

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Keeping up with mobile commerce

How companies are staying competitive

“Drive thy business or it will drive thee.” – Benjamin Franklin

Those insightful words from one of America’s most famous inventors and innovators are truer than ever, especially when it comes to mCommerce.

Many of the acquirers and financial institutions that entered the mobile payments market in the past few years are already being forced to reevaluate and change their strategies as part of the ongoing struggle to stay competitive.

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