EMV: The time is right for the US. Now!

Why right now? The liability shift is still months away. Many of your customers don’t have chip cards (in fact, many of them probably have no idea what that even means).

So why now instead of later?

U.S. is 14 years behind the EMV curve

This is not just another new program from the card brands. Europe and most of the rest of the world have been using chip-based technologies to combat fraud for 14+ years. So we in the US are already behind the curve (or, potentially, behind the eight ball, which leads me to the second reason).

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The challenges of going global with mobile POS

Taking mPOS global boils down to conquering regional differences

There are many challenges involved in taking a mobile point of sale (mPOS) solution global. The stickler is that the biggest challenges probably aren’t the ones you’re thinking of.

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Why EMV?

They call it a “data breach.” An “attack by unknown hackers.” “Sensitive” customer information becomes “exposed.” Credit and debit cards are “compromised.” Pundits wring their hands; merchants live in fear; and customers become increasingly wary of using their cards. Still, the reports just keep coming in.

Let’s be honest: the core problem is that using stolen MSR card data to create and sell counterfeit cards is big business. Big, international, lucrative business. It’s an organized crime scheme that is increasingly migrating to the US because we are one of the last countries to implement EMV to authenticate cards used in payment transactions. In essence, we’re leaving the back door wide open and inviting the counterfeiters in.

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Does Target’s Breach Spell Threat or Opportunity for mPOS?

Security fears serve as driver for stronger safeguards

The recent high-profile security breaches involving point of sale (POS) systems in the retail sector didn’t involve mobile POS (mPOS), but no one in the broader electronic payments industry want to see breaches happen. We need to work together to eliminate breaches and ensure continued trust in electronic payments.

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Mobile POS: beyond the holiday hype

It’s that time of year again: the annual media fixation on how the retail industry is faring with peak holiday shopping days like Cyber Monday, and along with that, how technology innovations such as mobile point of sale (mPOS) fit into retail trends.

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