Expanding mPOS in Your Enterprise? Don’t Be Afraid of BYOD

Research firm ABI estimates that the installed base of mobile point of sale (mPOS) devices will top 51 million by 2019 as mid-size and large enterprises look to mobile technology to grow their business footprint and expand the level of service they provide to customers. With the adoption of mPOS, enterprises can offer greater flexibility and convenience for customers and employees. Customers benefit from personalized, streamlined service, while employees improve productivity thanks to simplified access to customer data, product details and inventory information.

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Does EMV guarantee electronic transaction security

Does EMV guarantee electronic transaction security?

The reality is that there is no single solution today that meets the security requirements of every card-present, card-not-present, attended, unattended, quick service, fine dining, and other electronic payment environment. That said, any time personally presented card data is part of the transaction lifecycle, EMV is a critical component of any total security solution – one that protects both merchants and customers.

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Can Mobile Point of Sale Ease Holiday Shopping Chaos for Merchants?

With the 2014 holiday shopping season about to kick-off, retailers of all sizes are bracing themselves for what is expected to be one of the more robust seasons in recent history. Deloitte recently released a report forecasting a 4.5% increase in U.S. holiday shopping and sales from last year.

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How will EMV affect merchants’ day-to-day retail business?

How will EMV actually affect how merchants’ conduct day-to-day retail business?

From a merchant’s perspective, the migration to EMV probably seems like a no-brainer. A small merchant, especially one that uses a pre-programmed standalone terminal (like Ingenico Group’s iCT250), might not expect to notice much operational change; after all, retailers will still accept credit and debit cards, still do business with a processor or acquirer, and still sell goods and services to customers who pay in a variety of ways.

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Recap of Money2020

Last week the Ingenico Mobile Solutions team was in Las Vegas for Money2020. The show was a great success (as always) and now as the team settles back into the office in Boston it’s time to reflect and recap the event.

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