Explaining The Payment Moment of Truth

Have you noticed that the checkout experience has become increasingly complex? More and more people wave their mobile phone on the POS device. Others simply tap their card and go. Forget paying with cash - in Amsterdam where I live now, many stores refuse bills and coins and only accept cards. And it’s not just when standing in line at your local grocery store; but also when paying online or buying with your mobile phone. There are more options and more steps to take before completing the purchase.

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Patient Payment Transactions: A Confluence of Security and Compliance Considerations

The healthcare industry has recently seen a host of breaches, non-compliance, and other frustrations relating to security, regulatory, and related compliance obligations inherent in receiving payments from patients via modern financial obligations, such as deductibles, co-payments, and other self-pay obligations, make up a larger portion of a healthcare provider’s balance sheets.

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3 Myths that Hold Merchants Back from an Omni-Channel Payments Strategy

Today, brick and mortar retailers have to work harder to compete with the likes of Amazon and other online merchants. Other than better products and competitive pricing, merchants need to focus on enhancing their customer’s journey with a positive buying experience. This is where an omni-channel strategy comes into the picture.

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4 Strategies to Get More out of Your Payment Terminals

Over the years, payment terminals have evolved from just being used for accepting payments to providing merchants with ways to boost their business, learn more about their customers and enhance in-store experiences. Today’s smart terminals are equipped with powerful operating systems that are capable of running third-party apps, which help merchants achieve these goals. Whether you’re a merchant or a solution provider, you should be aware of ways smart terminals can be used beyond just accepting payment. In this blog post, I list four ways you can get more out of your payment terminals:

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Innovative Ways to Improve Guest Check-Ins by Using Payment Technologies

In the hospitality industry, delivering a seamless, personal and innovative guest experience is crucial. Each hotel has many opportunities to engage its customers and provide a delightful experience, and innovative hoteliers are creating multiple guest service improvements by leveraging their payment solutions in new and effective ways.

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